Page 1718 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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How has the Alliance Government looked after the heart of Canberra? It has fed itself on junk policies; it has not listened to the warnings; it wants to live the high life and go for the quick buck. We all know what happens to people who live on a diet of junk and ignorance. They end up on the operating table or, worse still, suffer a sudden heart attack. I suggest that the Alliance should be undergoing surgery at this moment; but, Mr Speaker, it is too late and the fatal heart attack is not far away.

People in Canberra are sick at heart. They were used to enjoying the good schools, hospital systems and green spaces that came with the neighbourhood concept. What, may I ask, is wrong with that? We inherited a healthy heart. Our forebears and the planners of Canberra wanted this community to be special. It was so - until this heartless Alliance Government decided to go in with the surgeon's knife and carve up a healthy heart.

Dr Kinloch is perhaps the only individual in the Alliance with a heart. We know that for sure because he had a change of heart. But was the casino really the heart of the problem for him, or is he just too soft-hearted to stay in the Alliance and follow his own convictions, knowing that the Alliance is wrong because of all the issues that are striking fear into the hearts of the people of Canberra?

Canberrans once thought they could be represented by a community based party called the Residents Rally. But look what has happened to them, led by bleeding-heart Bernard; they have no policies and no power. Mr Duby, over there, is not only heartless - I am sorry that he has left - but also as cold-hearted and cold-blooded as the poor fish he killed at Casuarina Sands. Why continue with the pretence of calling this once beautiful part of Canberra after the casuarinas? They have curled up their toes and are dying. Let us call this area "The Folly", because no longer can it be called either "The Sands" or "Casuarina".

No, Mr Duby could not wait for some sensible advice from good-hearted people to be properly aired and analysed, Mr Speaker. I put it to Mr Duby that he and I know that blasting the weir was not necessary. The $60,000 was burning a hole in his pocket and he just had to spend it as fast as he could. The Heart Foundation must be envious. What could they have done with $60,000? Surely a lot better than Mr Duby. All the people who spent summer days and evenings at Casuarina Sands were relaxing, drawing strength from the calmness and beauty of the area and exercising both body and mind - true recipes for a healthy heart. There are people all over Canberra who feel that the Alliance has dealt them a mortal blow to their heart.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Grassby, I hate to interrupt, but your time has expired.

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