Page 1687 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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The Labor members of the Assembly will support the Bill, so this is another area where the Government can say that it has been supported by the Labor Party. But government members should not dwell on that for too long because there are many issues which the Government has been involved in where strong and continuous criticism will follow. Let me observe that the priority given to this Bill is curious when there are many more urgent matters awaiting drafting action. I draw Mr Collaery's attention particularly to the anti-discrimination Bill. It is about time the matter was dealt with.

Mr Stefaniak: It is not the end of the world, Wayne.

MR BERRY: I heard Mr Stefaniak say that it is not the end of the world. I know that Mr Stefaniak is not that concerned about anti-discrimination measures.

Mr Stefaniak: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I have been very badly misrepresented.

MR SPEAKER: You can make a personal explanation about it. Please proceed, Mr Berry.

Mr Stefaniak: I will take the point later.

MR BERRY: When you are taking the point, Mr Stefaniak, you might tell us how many press releases and speeches you have made on the subject. We can only speculate that the Government is concerned that someone will question the legality of its Executive actions, given the attention which has been given to Ministers' frequent absences on interstate or overseas junkets.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (8.23): There being no other speakers - - -

Mr Kaine: It is my Bill. Feel free to speak on it, though.

MR COLLAERY: The Chief Minister reminds me that it is his Bill. Mr Speaker, I heard the word "junket" and sprang to my feet. I wish I could get one. The only junket I have seen is in a bowl.

This is an important machinery of government Bill. It clarifies, in effect, something which is unclear in the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act. The Act is quite explicit about who the members of the Executive are, and they are "such other Ministers as are appointed by the Chief Minister". Then it goes on to make an explicit reference to the Deputy Chief Minister being

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