Page 1635 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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Ms Follett: You signed both of them.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, Mr Berry and Ms Follett - not Mr Wood, perhaps, because he has never been in government, but the others on the other side of the chamber - will know that Ministers are asked to sign hundreds of letters every week. I was given a second version of that letter to sign. That happened more than one year ago. I cannot recall the circumstances under which I was asked to sign that letter a second time. I certainly would not have consented to any withdrawal of support for the Interim Hospitals Board at that time. I note, Mr Speaker, that the Enfield report does make one interesting reference - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The Minister obviously was not listening when the question was put to him. Mr Wood's question clearly asked, "Why did not the Minister consult with the board before he changed the letter?".

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for that observation, Mr Berry.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, this is certainly very much an answer to Mr Wood's question. I have repeated that you cannot possibly say that I withdrew support from the board's request to the Chief Minister; that is simply not the case. I was asked to sign a different letter; but, as those opposite well know, there are many times in government that one is asked to sign letters which one has seen previously. In any given week in my office I send back dozens of letters to my department - - -

Ms Follett: You said "hundreds" a while ago.

MR HUMPHRIES: No; you are not listening, Ms Follett. You sign hundreds of letters and you send back dozens of letters to be redrafted for various reasons. I saw this letter a second time. I do not recall whether I thought when I saw it that I had asked for it to be redrafted, or whether there had been some other submission made to me about the reason for that letter to be coming before me a second time. I note, Mr Speaker, that the report makes an interesting reference to this in pointing out that five pages in the relevant file on this matter were removed.

Ms Follett: Did you do that?

MR HUMPHRIES: I certainly did not do that.

Ms Follett: Are you sure?

MR HUMPHRIES: I am quite certain. I think Ms Follett comes dangerously close to needing to withdraw some allegation that I have destroyed or removed papers from a departmental file.

Mr Wood: Are you suggesting a conspiracy?

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