Page 1630 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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Mr Jensen: Challenging your ruling.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Jensen! Please proceed, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: I could understand some anxiety about the umpire's decision in certain cases like this, Mr Speaker. Mr Berry does not have much of a record on that score. But the fact here is that the Enfield report makes it extremely clear that a lackadaisical attitude existed on the part of the former Minister. There was nothing done.

Mr Connolly: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

Mr Duby: Read that relevant bit again.

MR HUMPHRIES: I think I will, Minister.

MR SPEAKER: You have a point of order, Mr Connolly. Order! Members, please do not speak over me. Mr Humphries, please resume your chair. Mr Connolly, you will get your turn.

Mr Connolly: The point of order, Mr Speaker, remains relevant. The question related to the 17 months of administration of this Minister, not Mr Berry's six months of administration.

MR SPEAKER: I recognise the point that you are making. Mr Humphries, please bring your point to fruition.

MR HUMPHRIES: We can see very clearly in these words to the late Mr Alan Woods the rot setting in well and truly in the administration of health:

In the meantime I would like the Interim Board to continue to conduct its affairs in accordance with the powers prescribed earlier by the Minister for Arts and Territories, the Hon. Clyde Holding MP.

In other words, there was no interest whatsoever in giving fresh directions to the board - no interest in saying, "You have a new job under self-government; you have new responsibilities to face up to". It was just too hard.

Mr Connolly: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: In response to my point of order some seconds ago, you directed the Minister to direct his answer to the question. He seems to be ploughing on regardless, in blithe disregard of your instructions.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Thank you for your observation, Mr Connolly. Mr Humphries, please bring your point to a conclusion.

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