Page 1603 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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environmental issues. I make sure that those issues are raised directly with the relevant Ministers responsible and within the departments. I am quite happy to do that, Mr Speaker.

As I said at that meeting last night, I am quite happy to make arrangements - - -

Mrs Grassby: What a mess you made of that meeting. They are still talking about it.

MR JENSEN: You were not there, Ellnor; you do not know.

Mrs Grassby: No, but I am hearing all about it and getting phone calls.

MR JENSEN: You were not there, Ellnor; so you do not know. Mr Connolly knows full well what went on there as well, because Mr Connolly tried to fit me up; but fortunately Mr Moore was on the ball, Mr Speaker, and stopped Mr Connolly from trying to fit me up.

Mr Connolly tried to suggest that I was involved in a vote that never took place, but fortunately Mr Moore was able - and I give Mr Moore credit for this - to say to the people of Lyons that, in fact, what Mr Connolly was saying was totally incorrect. It is a tactic that we are finding from these people opposite in relation to these sorts of issues. What they are prepared to do, Mr Speaker, is put half-truths on the table, and if they say them long enough and hard enough they think that people will believe them. But fortunately, Mr Speaker, there were enough people in that audience last night who saw through that nonsense of Mr Connolly's.

Mr Connolly, I stayed a little longer than you and I also stayed a lot longer than your colleague Ms Follett. I think the term that my colleague Mr Collaery has used is "nip and tuck". We certainly saw a bit of nip and tuck like that last night. It was nip in, say a few words and tuck off to somebody else, or to somewhere else. That is what we saw last night.

Mrs Grassby: You did not turn up at the Belconnen meeting, though, did you? No, you were not there.

MR JENSEN: I was not invited to the Belconnen meeting, but I was invited to the Lyons meeting. I was there, and, provided other commitments do not stop me, Mr Speaker, I will make myself available to be at other meetings to discuss the planning issues as they relate to those school sites.

Mrs Grassby: To build more Burnie Courts all on school land; isn't that wonderful?

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