Page 1600 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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Mr Moore: On a point of order: I clearly observed that Mrs Grassby was on her feet first.

Mr Collaery: I can do that, Mr Speaker.

Mrs Grassby: I was on my feet, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, would you defer to Mrs Grassby, please?

Mr Collaery: No, I will not, Mr Speaker. I have something to table, and we have heard enough nonsense today.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I will just seek clarification on this from the Clerk.

Mrs Grassby: I was on my feet.

MR SPEAKER: I must admit that I did not see you; I was looking in that direction.

Mr Jensen: You were a bit slow, Ellnor.

Mrs Grassby: I was not a bit slow, Mr Jensen; I was on my feet.

MR SPEAKER: Order, members! Mr Collaery, under House of Representatives practice, it is usual for the closing Minister in the adjournment debate to defer to any other member who wishes to speak within the time scale that has been allotted. In this case the time for the conclusion of the debate is 6.25 pm.

Mr Collaery: With respect, Mr Speaker, I point out to you that one of the conventions which we have not managed to establish here is that the closing Minister, when he or she indicates that he or she wishes to speak, is given the chance. You may have noted - and I refer you to Hansard - that when we do have a debate on the adjournment I rarely have the chance to respond. Mr Speaker, I will defer to Mr Jensen; but, firstly, I will table a document, which is - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! This is a point of order you are raising; you cannot table - - -

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, as a Minister I can table a document at any time. I table a Monitair document, dated 18 April 1991.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, you will finish your point of order, and then table the document at any time, but please proceed with the point of order.

Mr Collaery: I have finished my point of order, Mr Speaker, and I now table a document, headed NJP Monitair, dated 18 April 1991 - - -

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