Page 1596 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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from Bernard Collaery when he gave it to the Minister for Health again. The reason behind the knifing of Mr Humphries was very interesting. It was that Mr Humphries had not provided adolescent beds for young people in our hospital system.

Where was Mr Collaery when Mr Humphries was ripping other beds out of the hospital system for the bulk of the people of the ACT? Where was Mr Collaery with his Residents Rally policy when Mr Humphries decided to close down the Royal Canberra Hospital and withdraw all of those beds from the hospital system? Where was Mr Collaery then? He had disappeared. Where was Dr Kinloch? He had disappeared.

Let us not let the silent Norm Jensen off the hook. Where was he? Was he lurking out in Tuggeranong, telling them that they had a great public hospital system and that he would protect it? No; he ignored the public hospital system because he does not care. He does not care, along with the rest of them. They have their snouts in the trough. They are not concerned about the future of the ACT. This week they have proved it.

Dr Kinloch: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: That is a reflection on us. I do not believe that any of us have our snouts in the trough. I wish that to be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: I uphold your objection, Dr Kinloch. Mr Berry, I ask you to withdraw that.

Mrs Grassby: You have let "snouts in the trough" go by before.

Mr Collaery: No; Mr Berry was very specific in his comments.

Ms Follett: He was speaking of them collectively.

MR BERRY: I speak of them collectively. This saying has been let go by in this Assembly on many occasions. I think the precedent is well set, Mr Speaker. I do not think you can break the precedent.

MR SPEAKER: I will review the Hansard on this issue. I do not recall having allowed that in previous times.

MR BERRY: I have said it myself.

Mr Jensen: Mr Speaker, you may have some assistance by referring to page 486 of the House of Representatives Practice.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Jensen, I have already ruled that I will review the Hansard.

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