Page 1590 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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MRS GRASSBY: Yes, we know exactly why it happened. You cannot organise yourselves better. You do not know what you are here for.

Mr Speaker, I am saddened to think that, as I say, our founding nation, the Aboriginal community, has been absolutely and completely ignored. It is fine to say that you are putting somebody on the board; but I understand from all these people that I have spoken to that they gave evidence, but what they have seen in this report is not what they believe in and they do not really want to be any part of this. It has been a thorn in their side to believe that here was the opportunity to do something for these people - as I say, our founding nation, our black brothers and sisters - here was a chance to do something for them, and what have we done? We have absolutely and completely ignored them, to suit the big businesses in the white world of this city.

Therefore, I feel that we should completely dissent from it. I cannot be part of this, just as my party, my leader, Rosemary Follett, Wayne Berry, Terry Connolly and Bill Wood, feel that they cannot be part of this. We feel that the only way around this is to put in a dissenting report saying how sad we are. That is the part that I feel very badly about, seeing as I serve on the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee, along with Dr Kinloch, Mrs Nolan, Mr Stefaniak and Mr Moore, who, of course, has also put in a dissenting report. I felt that they would have given more note to the fact that these people had been absolutely ignored.

I have spoken to quite a few of them in the last few days who were absolutely disgusted and felt that they and everything that they had said had been completely ignored and that there was no good reason to come along and give evidence to something like these committees when the report is going to be, when it all boils down, nothing of what they had said it should have been.

I think the conflict of interest of Mr Jensen is very serious. As Executive Deputy, he also sits as the chairman of this planning committee. If Mr Jensen had any decency he would resign from this committee. But obviously the lollies were too good and he did not want to miss out on the extra cash that came with the job. Of course, he can run round and send out his letters on Chief Minister's paper as he felt that this would have an effect in the community with people receiving letters from Mr Jensen on Chief Minister's paper. Maybe the Chief Minister should be very worried about it. Maybe the Chief Minister should watch out. Maybe Mr Jensen is trying to take his place. I understand that the Chief Minister is trying to get him on the Liberal Party ticket. Oh, by the way, Mr Collaery, you are not on that ticket, I understand. Mr Duby, Mr Jensen and - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Relevance, please, Mrs Grassby.

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