Page 1578 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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should avail themselves of the position. However, I think payment of a fee, even a small one, is important. Firstly, it helps defray some of the costs which will accrue to government as a result of this legislation. It will also be some discouragement to frivolous or mischievous attempts by people to wrongfully use the legislation and wrongfully place other people's objects or places on the register.

The Heritage Council was also an area where we had some slight difference. The Heritage Council comprises no more than 11 members - and I do not think any member of the committees had a particular problem with that. A question was raised, however, as to the various disciplines and the various areas of expertise. (Quorum formed) I think nobody had any problems with 11 members, and the question was raised as to what disciplines and areas of expertise should be represented among those appointed members. In clause 149, I believe nine disciplines are actually listed.

The Liberal members of the committees felt that it would be sensible, even at this stage, for one of the members on the Heritage Council to have economic and business expertise and experience. I think that is a most relevant area to consider, even when looking at the heritage matters. The committees did have a slight difference of opinion in relation to that. I think that would enhance that particular council.

In relation to the Heritage Council, we are delighted to see, as one of the disciplines listed among the nine, in subclause 149(b), expertise in the Aboriginal area. Comment has already been made in the report that there was not much consultation up until our hearing in relation to rural lessees and also the Aboriginal community. I think that that is very important.

Whether or not Mr Jensen's and Dr Kinloch's suggestion in relation to a separate committee of three members of the Aboriginal community is sensible is something which I think needs a lot more investigation. Indeed, as a result of the comments of the one Aboriginal person who appeared before the committees I made some inquiries - - -

Mr Jensen: Two.

MR STEFANIAK: Yes, two; but one from the area, and one from Alice Springs, I think. I made some inquiries from other members of the local Aboriginal community. They were certainly, one could say, in the very early stages in terms of determining who they would like to see on that committee, and certainly in relation to an additional three-person committee there was no agreement whatsoever as to whether they would necessarily see that as relevant. That is certainly something I think they should be consulted on before any further steps are taken there. Accordingly, the Liberal members of the committees at this

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