Page 1555 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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MRS GRASSBY, by leave: Before I say anything about this, I am quite happy to table the question that I had to ask on black spots. Unfortunately, as there was so much ruckus from the Government, I got only one question in today. I did not get the opportunity to ask a second question. The question was: Did you nominate the 18 traffic black spots which have been selected for the Commonwealth funding and what were the criteria for these selections? I also had two supplementary questions, no matter what his answer was.

Mr Duby: It is a bit late now, Mrs Grassby. The horse has bolted and the question was not asked. You had no interest.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby!

MRS GRASSBY: The point is that you want to check first. Mr Speaker, the Canberra Times on 18 April 1991 carried an article which appeared to suggest that the ACT Government is not allocating Federal funds to reduce road accidents in an appropriate way. I am keen to set the record straight by providing this statement to the Assembly which details the reasons for my selection of locations for accident reduction treatment. The projects nominated by me to the Commonwealth Government for funding under the black spots program, and which the Federal - I am sorry.

Mr Duby: Ha, ha! She read the wrong thing.

MRS GRASSBY: It is all right, Mr Speaker. I am sorry.

Mr Jensen: That is one for page 3, Ellnor.

MRS GRASSBY: I will give you that one; it is one for page 3. I am sorry, Mr Speaker. It is one for page 3. You can have that one, Mr Jensen. I have more on you, though.

Mr Duby: It was such a good statement that you wanted to make it again.

MRS GRASSBY: That is all right. Once we made a statement in the house three times and you never woke up to it. It was the same statement. So, never mind; at least you are awake.


Mr Kaine: We just take it as read. You do it all the time.

MRS GRASSBY: We are good at it, though, are we not, Chief Minister? Mr Speaker, let us be very clear about two points of this matter: Firstly, the allocation of these funds on these particular traffic black spots represents yet another Alliance Government debacle and a typical wasteful use of money; secondly, the responsibility for

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