Page 1550 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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Ms Follett: What about your leader's public statements?


DR KINLOCH: We are entitled to individual opinions about all kinds of matters. I will certainly not regard any attempt to curb freedom of speech as anything that ought to come from the Leader of the Opposition or the Labor Party. I do not accept for one minute that we have sabotaged anything. I am a member of an organisation which happens not to agree with the government proposal. That organisation, of which I am a loyal member and which I support, has steadily opposed over 15 years - not two years, not three years - the establishment of a gambling casino in this city.

Ms Follett: And you sabotaged it.

DR KINLOCH: The word "sabotage" is totally inappropriate. To me the word "sabotage" has memories of World War II, and implies something very savage and unpleasant. We have done no such thing. I am not going to accept it for one moment.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Dr Kinloch, I believe that you have made your point on that issue. Do you have a second point?

DR KINLOCH: I will now go, necessarily, to the more serious misrepresentation. I have given, at their request in every case and was happy to do it, two interviews to 2CC, one to the ABC, one to the Canberra Times, one to Capital, one to WIN, and I think there was another camera in the offing when we were talking to WIN. I am not in the business of claiming victory over anyone, but I want to make the point that Mr Kaine has properly followed the processes of those committees in looking at the tenders over the period from when that process began. That process began a long time ago. He has properly kept the whole matter at arm's length. He has allowed the matter to proceed.

I now wish, in particular, to refer to my interview with Claudia Oakley, which I did early this morning and which was played on the ABC at 12.30 pm. In that interview, I publicly - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Dr Kinloch, are you claiming that someone in the house has misrepresented you?


MR SPEAKER: All right; please proceed.

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