Page 1539 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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Berry would not know what loyalty is. There is an old saying about people who live in glass houses. I think that the crux of this really is the question of loyalty. What we are talking about here, Mr Speaker, is integrity. I do know that there are some members - - -

Mr Berry: I have not seen any. I was not talking about that.

MR KAINE: I do not see any of it from your side of the house at all. You seem to believe that politics has to do with nothing but smear tactics, destroying people's characters and tearing down everything worthwhile that has been done. I would like to see - just once - a member of the Labor Opposition support something that the Government does.

Mr Connolly: We do it regularly; you know that.

MR KAINE: No, you do not. You have this dog in the manger attitude that nothing that the Government does is right; that nothing that any member of the Government does is right.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker - - -

MR KAINE: Mr Berry asked the question; he is getting his answer.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Chief Minister!

Ms Follett: The question was, Mr Speaker: When will he sack Mr Collaery? I do not believe that his answer so far has been in any way relevant.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I would sack the Leader of the Opposition before I would sack any one of my Ministers.

Ms Follett: You did.

MR KAINE: We did that. As far as I am concerned, she will stay sacked too. She was sacked because she could not perform. Mr Berry was there. He could not perform either. He is trying to demonstrate now that he has a grasp of health and financial matters, when he had no grasp of them whatsoever when he was Minister. He does himself no credit by the kind of attacks that he makes.

Mr Speaker, the people opposite are concerned. They know that this Government is doing the things that needed to be done. They know that we are facing up to the things that have to be done. They know that we made the hard decisions and that we will make them again in this coming year's budget. We recognised the budgetary gap that the former Leader of the Opposition and former Treasurer denied existed. We recognised it then, we still recognise it, and we will continue to do the things that need to be done. They are dead scared. They are running scared, because

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