Page 1532 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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MS FOLLETT: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Mr Kaine has said that he does not agree with Mr Collaery on the subject of a casino.

Mr Kaine: No, that is not what I said, Mr Speaker.


Mr Kaine: I said that I did not agree with Mr Collaery on the question of the use of North Building. I will not be misquoted.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Chief Minister!

MS FOLLETT: Mr Kaine cannot have it both ways. Is Mr Kaine able to exert his leadership in this Government, or will he continue to allow the Residents Rally to dictate his Government's policy and to sabotage the ACT economy?

MR KAINE: I am glad that Ms Follett has asked that question because, first of all, the Residents Rally does not dictate this Government's policy.

Mr Berry: You just told us that it did.

MR KAINE: No, I did not say that. Ms Follett has misquoted me. In terms of not agreeing with Mr Collaery, what I said was that I did not agree with his view on the use of the North Building. That is what I was talking about. The fact is - and I thought I dealt with it quite satisfactorily - that until the Government takes a view on any subject the constituent members are entitled to express their opinions. We are reviewing where we should go with section 19.

Members interjected.

MR SPEAKER: Order, members, please!

MR KAINE: As I said, Mr Speaker, if they want an open debate I will sit down and everybody can have a good chat. I do not mind in the slightest.

I do not feel at all aggrieved at the question. I think that our position on this side of the house is clear. This is a democracy. People are entitled to individual views. But, when the joint party room and the Cabinet decide on the outcome, that will be the end of the matter. I will exert my influence within the context of the processes of our joint party room, which is a democratic process, unlike that of the Labor Caucus. I am quite sure that my view will carry due weight.

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