Page 1514 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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is going to continue to grow over the years, will be maintained and will be part of the Anzac Day celebrations for many years to come. Mr Speaker, I support the Bill 100 per cent.

MR BERRY (11.16): I was not going to speak on this legislation because it is probably one of the most trivial pieces of legislation to have come before this Assembly in its existence. It was very interesting that the main claim to fame today of one of our grand politicians, who has brought so much discredit on this place, was his having some knowledge of two-up. I refer to Craig Duby.

Ms Follett: An illegal game.

MR BERRY: It is an illegal game. He has an understanding, of illegalities and brushes with the law, I know, and he has told us about his hands-on experience in these matters before. What is true about this is the words of my colleague Mr Connolly that it is more appropriate for any responsible administration to pass legislation to deal with an issue than it is to ignore the illegalities.

It is very obvious from what Mr Duby has said that he has been prepared to participate in the illegalities - - -

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: This member not only has lowered the tone of a sombre, and also light-hearted, debate. He is a disgrace to the Assembly. I ask that he withdraw the allegation that Mr Duby participates in illegal activities. That is a profoundly offensive remark and, once again, this member lowers the tone of this Assembly. He is a disgrace.

MR SPEAKER: Your objection is upheld, Mr Collaery. I ask you to withdraw the imputation, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Mr Duby admitted that he had participated in an illegal game.

Mr Duby: I never said any such thing.


MR BERRY: I withdraw that. Mr Duby has indicated that he has played two-up on many occasions.

Mr Connolly: In Canberra.

MR BERRY: In Canberra. And I draw it to the attention of the Assembly that it has been, up to date, illegal to do so in the ACT. We know that that is - - -

Mr Duby: You are a wimp and a wowser, Wayne.

Mr Connolly: A law-abiding citizen.

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