Page 1446 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 17 April 1991

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school communities were definitely alerted to the fact that these variations were to do with school sites. It is a very positive move, and in that respect I congratulate the Minister and the Territory Planning Authority.

With the rest of the advertisement, however, the story is rather the reverse. I accept that in such variations the department has the responsibility to indicate to people what variations are about. The trouble is that they have been so involved in the technicalities of their own language and their own system that they have failed to communicate with the people who are most affected. In doing so, they have discouraged people from making submissions. I think it is an entirely inappropriate thing to do, particularly in a matter that is of such grave community concern.

The first point that I wish to raise is that it be written in plain English. I will just read a little from the "Invitation to Comment" to illustrate how difficult it is to understand:

In accordance with s.9 of the Act -

we do not know which Act; anybody who is not familiar with this would not know which Act -

these Draft Variations to the Plan are to have interim effect commencing on the date that the former NCDC policies referred to in s.66(2) of the ACT (Planning and Land Management) Act of the Commonwealth are to be taken to be part of the Territory Plan and terminating at the expiration of the day before the date the Draft Variation comes into effect; or the date the Draft Variation is rejected by the Legislative Assembly; or the date the Draft Variation is withdrawn by the Authority, whichever case applies.

I think that people are aware that you can use dot points which do assist people to understand, and you can use much simpler language. It may be necessary, as far as the ACT Planning Authority is concerned, to include this sort of language in an invitation to comment to ensure that they have covered everything. If that is the case, then an explanation is needed. In fact, there appears to be an attempt to explain. The next paragraph says:

This means that, during this period, the Territory, the Executive, a Minister or a Territory authority shall not do any act, or approve the doing of any act that would be inconsistent with the Territory Plan if it were varied in accordance with the Draft Variation; or would be inconsistent with the Plan.

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