Page 1386 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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Ova Atop & Partners

Purpose - inspection of the structural adequacy of cableways and travellers, report and

recommendation on their safety and on remedial works needed

Employed 2/3/90 - 1/1/91 Cost $14 000

Perth Cadcentre

Purpose - capture of existing electrical asset data from hardcopy format to digital

format using GDS/ARC-NET

Employed 31/1/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $71 320

Perth Cadcentre

Purpose - capture of existing electrical asset data from hardcopy format to digital

format using GDS/ARC-NET

Employed 23/7/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $191 000

Price Waterhouse

Purpose - provide advice on taxation matters for a corporatised ACTEW

Employed October - November 1990 Cost $29 000

Price Waterhouse

Purpose - provide advice on financial systems for a corporatised ACTEW

Employed December 1990 Cost $5 250

Price Waterhouse

Purpose - evaluate competing proposals for upgrading financial information systems

Employed 10/12/90 - 24/12/90 Cost $7500

Purchasing & Sales Group

Purpose - engineering services for ACTEW

Employed 25/9/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $110 000

Purchasing & Sales Group

Purpose - rise/fall assessment

Employed 9/11/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $2000

Rothschild Australia Corporate Limited

Purpose - provide financial and business analysis, reports and advice during the

corporatisation process

Employed November 1990 to current Cost $54 631 (to date)

Scott 8 Murphy Pty Ltd

Purpose - review of water supply and sewerage pipe materials

Employed 31/8/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $31650

Sly and Weigel

Purpose - provide legal/industrial advice and assistance

Employed December 1990 to current Cost $7375 (to date)


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