Page 1375 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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Management and Technology Coordination and consultation for

Consulting Corporate Plan of Group 21 days $23838

Management and Technology Management workshop for

Consulting 24 middle managers 6 days $ 9000

Brian Movies Information Technology strategy 421.5 hours $27397

International Behaviour Supervision training for

Systems 60 industrial employees 8 days $ 9600

PALM Management Client services workshop 2 days $ 4500

Daryl Dixon Superannuation Schemes seminar 2 days $ 2200

w Renaissance Forestry Stromlo Management Plan 2 months $12000


Sopherim Enterprise Scribing services for

Operations Manager interviews 2 days $ 524

Ernst & Young Accountancy Services ongoing $20000

Ernst & Young Evaluation of computerised

accounting systems and

implementation of accounting

software 3 months $ 2500

Margules Groome Poyry PL Valuation of ACT Forests for

transfer from Commonwealth 1 month

(ACT Treasury to contribute $5000) $ 9980

Datacol Ad hoc traffic survey advice 31.1.91 -

30.11.91 $50000

Harris Van Meegan Assistance with staff selection 3 months $ 700

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