Page 1346 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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It was a unanimous decision of the committee to take this particular route to issue a discussion paper on this matter. The reason for that is that we are involved in the larger subject of looking at the question of energy for the ACT. So, as point 1 says:

As part of a broader reference on integrated energy resources, the committee is giving attention to fuelwood heating ...

We thought this was so specific and so necessary at this particular time of the year that we argued for a discussion paper. I understand that it is going to be about two degrees tonight, so we can expect those various fuelwood stoves to begin belching again very shortly.

Could I ask you to note, in particular, paragraphs 1.2 and 1.6? This discussion paper attempts to address those concerns about fuelwood heating and air quality. Hopefully it will stimulate interest within the community and prompt individuals and organisations to comment to the committee directly on the issues as presented. Therefore, paragraph 1.6 states:

... the committee will take account of comments received on this paper.

May I stress that comments should be made to the committee by 17 May 1991. I hope that this will receive wide coverage in the media and that people who feel that they would like to respond will do that.

Finally, I would like to thank our able committee secretary, Bill Symington, for his careful and excellent work in this matter. I present the following paper:

The Burning Question : A Discussion Paper on Fuelwood Heating in the ACT.

Motion (by Mr Berry), by leave, proposed:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Debate (on motion by Mrs Grassby) adjourned.

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