Page 1344 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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facilities for the stage, including lighting and sound equipment, which would help reduce one-off hiring costs for the users of the facility. I propose to stand up in this place and support the report that my colleague Mrs Nolan and I brought down in this Assembly. It is as simple as that. That is what it is about. That is what the Assembly committee system is all about, and that is what I propose to do. Regardless of all the nonsense and cackling and yahooing that is coming across from the other side, it is my right as chairman of this committee to make these comments, and I will make them. Mr Kaine knows full well that I have the ability to do so, and I am quite happy to do so.

However, let me reiterate that the committee was not provided with any clear advice on the income likely to be generated by the commercial use of Stage '88. I note the point that Mr Humphries made about the fence being useful for alcohol-free concerts. That is a commendable project and I support that particular concept; but it was our view, in fact, and evidence was put to us, that the estimated three to five commercial uses of the stage annually were not really possible. There did not seem to be any clear evidence that they would be provided, and I draw members' attention to paragraph 2.7 of the report where these matters are discussed.

Mr Speaker, our concern at the time was that any temporary fence could become permanent, and, while I note the comments by my colleague Mr Collaery on this matter, I certainly will be keeping a beady eye on this particular location if, in fact, the Minister proceeds to go ahead and construct the fence. But there was that and, of course, there was the clearly demonstrated need for additional equipment for the stage to enhance the nature of free events for which the stage was presented to the people of Canberra, and, of course, the people of Australia.

That, Mr Speaker, in a nutshell, is basically why the committee's report recommended to the Government that it not proceed with the proposal for the fence around Stage '88, and I can indicate that I express my disappointment at that decision.

MR MOORE (9.38): Considering the comments of Mr Jensen, Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move that the Assembly supports recommendation 3.5 of the Standing Committee on Planning, Development and Infrastructure, which reads:

The committee recommends that the proposal to construct a fence around Stage '88 not be proceeded with.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The report has been tabled. The Government has considered it. It has identified for the Assembly what it intends to do. We are not going to redebate the whole matter.

Leave not granted.

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