Page 1342 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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MR MOORE: And a temporary Prime Minister and, no doubt, a temporary Chief Minister, and a temporary Alliance Government. At least the Chief Minister, no doubt, will be back here, unless he chooses otherwise, for the next Assembly, unlike many of his colleagues over there.

Debate interrupted.


MR SPEAKER: Order! It being 9.30, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I require that the question be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

Report on Stage '88 Fencing

Debate resumed.

MR MOORE: The reality is that Commonwealth Park ought not be split by the use of one of these fences. Part of the argument put by this committee was that, as it was a gift from the Commonwealth to all residents of the ACT, the stage ought to be available. The spurious argument that Mr Humphries puts up and goes back into history about - the intention and so forth - really carries very little water, indeed, when you are talking about the expenditure of some $170,000 in order to be able to put up a temporary fence every now and then.

If that is going to be a temporary fence every now and again - and even if on each occasion you are able to charge something like $4,000 or $5,000 for renting it - then it would take a tremendous amount of time to be able to recoup that money. Granted that money is in an account here, but it is still taxpayers' money.

Mr Humphries: Commonwealth money.

MR MOORE: Commonwealth taxpayers' money. We are still part of the Commonwealth. We still pay part of those taxes. We have no reason to expend that money at all and, in fact, we have very good reasons not to put up a fence and isolate a section of Commonwealth Park in that way. Members should not think that a temporary fence can be built up in a wobbly way so that you can just put it up and pull it down without having a structure in the ground in order to link it, whether it is concrete pieces to bolt it

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