Page 1322 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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One can speculate as to how much influence the knowledge of the role of organised crime and pornography in Australia had in the decision by every State Attorney-General and the past Federal Labor Attorney-General, Lionel Bowen, to ban the X-rated video industry. To say that this is an industry run by people of less than good repute is a major understatement. Let us no longer allow State laws to be violated by our inaction. Let us also support the recommendation of the 1988 Joint Select Committee on Video Material to ban X-rated video pornography in Australia. Let us heed the majority expressed will of people throughout Australia, who have made their will known to us by the many thousands of letters sent to members of this ACT Assembly, who ask for the ACT to join every State in Australia and ban X-rated pornography.

Today, leading criminals have once again been named, like many have been earlier named before the Costigan royal commission, the Woodward royal commission and the National Crime Authority and by other investigators and investigations. We have the opportunity to do more than reveal the activities of criminals. We have the power to curtail their activities. We can take a stand for the people and against organised crime by banning X-rated pornography. On behalf of all those who have been the victims of organised crime and pornography, I ask that each and every member in this Assembly support a ban on X-rated videos in the ACT. I seek leave to table the contract I mentioned earlier.

Leave granted.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I ask that Mr Stevenson be ordered to table the speech he just gave. It is extremely detailed and complex and very difficult for me to respond to.

MR STEVENSON: Happily, Mr Speaker. I table the following papers:

Pornography -

Copy of contracts between Sienna Pty Ltd and VCX Incorporated dated 1 October 1985 and 30 December 1985.

Speech notes entitled "The X Connection".

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, are you moving that that be tabled or just seeking - - -

Mr Collaery: Well, I was moving, under standing order 213, that it be ordered; but he has done it voluntarily, so I withdraw my motion.

Mr Moore: We could also authorise it for publication.

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