Page 1319 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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The parent company for the Shellim-Gajic network was Trishon Nominees Pty Ltd, one of its directors being Amos Kormornick, who was connected to another trust which had as a director Esmond Mooseek who, as was mentioned earlier, owned the building in which Gajic and Shellim operated Curbydex Pty Ltd.

Mooseek was extradited from Thailand in 1989 and convicted on charges relating to importing $A20m worth of drugs to Australia. Mooseek is currently serving 25 years in gaol. Kormornick operated a business which imported figurines from Thailand. Kormornick will be remembered as the person who used the hollow figurines to smuggle heroin and hashish oil into Australia. As a result of this activity, Kormornick was convicted for drug offences in 1988 and is currently in gaol.

The biggest group in the pornographic video industry in Australia was the video and publishing empire run by Joseph Shellim, Alexander Gajic and Gerald Gold - all named as eastern States organised crime figures at the Costigan royal commission in 1983. Royal Commissioner Costigan warned us about them, but we have not yet taken the action necessary to close down their activities in the Australian Capital Territory.

This contract was made between the Australian company Sienna Pty Ltd and the US organised crime company VCX. It provided for Sienna to pay $30,000 for the rights to duplicate and sell pornographic X-rated videos. This contract was for 12 videos and it granted Sienna the right to operate as agents for VCX in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and an area including Antarctica. The three-year contract, dated 1 October 1985, was signed for Sienna by Todor Gajic under the name Tom Gadjic, and for VCX by Norman Arno. I will seek leave to table this contract at the conclusion of my statement.

I mention the New Zealand connection. Using the licensing rights granted by the Mafia, Gajic sold video copying rights to a New Zealand company, Pro Equity Entertainments Ltd, based at Herne Bay in Auckland.

A major organised crime syndicate in Australia headed by a group of businessmen was identified in 1983 by Mr Douglas Meagher, counsel assisting painters and dockers royal commissioner Frank Costigan QC. Mr Meagher said that the group was "untouched by law enforcement agencies". Why? One reason is that organised criminals cover their underhand dealings by laundering money through legal businesses. If we are to be serious in attempting to control organised crime and its insidious undermining of judges, police and politicians, then we must take the actions necessary to limit or stamp out one of its favoured activities - the trade in X-rated video pornography.

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