Page 1303 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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There seems to be a misunderstanding of what constitutes a school site. A school site affected by the draft variations is the area used for the school buildings, and the playgrounds directly adjacent to those sites, with the exception of Curtin which does not have a playground, are not included in this particular policy document. In exactly the same way, in some cases, they were not included last time, although we do note that in the case of Fisher Primary School the amount of open space that was allocated was reduced in comparison with what was provided before. They did in that case have a crack at the playgrounds. However, this policy document clearly does not do that, in any way, shape or form. In fact, Mr Speaker, the boundaries between the school sites and the playing fields are not normally apparent.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The time allowed for this discussion has elapsed. The discussion is concluded.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General): I seek leave to make a short personal explanation. I claim to have been misrepresented.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, Mr Connolly, I believe, accused the Government collectively, including me, of having made a decision on the issue of the alternative uses of school sites. I want to assure Mr Connolly - just to save him some legal funds, if he is going to commence legal works - that our Government has agreed that, following public consultation and investigation by the estate management unit, the Chief Minister will bring forward to the Government a submission on alternative uses of the school buildings and grounds of the five primary schools involved. I want to stress that Mr Connolly misrepresents me if he claims that I have contributed to a decision about any one of those uses relating to those school sites. In all cases, one of the alternative uses is that the school sites remain community facilities; that is, they could remain what they are.

Mr Speaker, the second matter on which I claim to have been misrepresented is that Ms Follett said that I had not responded to a request to see her.

Ms Follett: You did respond. You said "No".

MR COLLAERY: Well, that is better, thanks.

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