Page 1301 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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community consultation. If you really want genuine community consultation the appropriate thing to do is to ensure that there is more time for people to prepare their submissions.

I know of meetings in Lyons this week which, I understand, Mr Jensen is attending, and of another meeting in Cook next week. By the time the people in Cook hold their meeting they will have lost half the time they have to prepare objections to the draft variation. It is hardly a reasonable way to expect to have community consultation. That, on top of the advertisement that went in the paper on Friday, clearly discourages people from putting in an objection. That is a matter that I intend to raise in private members' business tomorrow. I have circulated a notice of motion calling for this draft variation to be readvertised and put in language that people understand, in a tone that is user-friendly. That is a matter that I will speak on later.

With reference to the Page residents that Mr Humphries brought up, quite a few of the Page residents moved to Cook, after their school was closed down in Page, and then they had to put up with what had become part of their Cook community being closed down as well.

MR JENSEN (4.58): Mr Speaker, in opening my remarks on this matter today I think I must, for the record, correct statements made by Mr Wood on two matters, particularly his reference to suggestions that the mature stand of pine and eucalypt trees to the south of the school site in Hackett is to be removed. Frankly, Mr Speaker, I would have thought that Mr Wood, of all people, would have done his homework. Clearly I have to do his homework for him. I draw his attention to page 12 of the document "Draft Variation for Public Comment", dated April 1991, relating to Hackett, section 12, block 8. On page 12 it says:

The existing plantation of pine and eucalypt trees to the south of the school site and adjacent to Madigan Street shall be retained.

In case there is any suggestion that I am reading selectively, let me continue:

Other mature trees will be retained where practicable.

Clearly, Mr Speaker, Mr Wood has not done his homework and was making a suggestion to the contrary. It is unfortunate that someone like Mr Wood has been a little bit tardy in that area. However, let me continue my comments relating to the last part of that paragraph that I just read out. My own comments to the Chief Territory Planner will make additional reference to the need to ensure, as I have always done in these cases, that tree management plans are

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