Page 994 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 1991

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With the decision not to move the Therapy Centre to the Weston Creek Health Centre came the opportunity to turn around the expense of the decision and reinstate the community service and the health service in the Weston Creek Health Centre. But what has the Government done? It has played it very close to the chest now because it has no philosophical commitment to the provision of services to the disadvantaged in our community. This Government has bungled the opportunity, it seems, and it intends to move the Independent Living Centre to the Weston Creek Health Centre. The Government has steadfastly refused to consider the needs of the residents of Weston Creek. I have to say that this proves that the actions of this Government made the residents of Weston Creek second-class citizens.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I call on the Government to reinstate the health centre at Weston Creek and the community services in the Weston Creek Health Centre, and to do it as a priority. I must say that we have to have no more hollow words on this issue. They have to be serious about delivering these services to the community.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (3.38): Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I understand the Opposition's need to speak on these sorts of issues, about pools at Tuggeranong and health services in Weston Creek and so on. The Opposition are very sensitive to the fact that they have no members of this Assembly who come from or who live in many of these places in Canberra, unlike this Alliance Government. I understand, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, that nobody on the Opposition benches - - -

Mr Wood: That is not really a good example, is it? Haven't you realised it a little late?

MR HUMPHRIES: I think it is an excellent example, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker.

Mr Wood: You went in the wrong direction.

MR HUMPHRIES: On the contrary; I think it is very important and good to note that this Government does have representation from the whole of the ACT - from north Canberra, from south Canberra, from Belconnen, from Weston, from Woden, from Tuggeranong. Every part of the ACT is represented.

Mr Wood: I do not think you should use the word "representation".

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