Page 1242 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Ethnic Communities To assist in meeting costs 10,000

Council of the ACT incurred in staging the

1990 Multicultural

Australia Day Festival

Canberra Public To meet the operating


Cemeteries Trust deficit of the management

of public cemeteries in

the ACT

Anglican Church of Church restoration 15,000

Saint John the Baptist

National Parks Assn Publication and distribution 3,280

of the ACT of Bulletin

National Parks Assn Administration _. 13,300

of the ACT

Canberra and District Blundells Cottage 15,000

Historical Society operational funding and

remuneration of staff

Canberra and District Assist production and 3,975

Historical Society distribution of Canberra

Historical Journal

Canberra and District Administrative 20,000

Historical Society

Canberra and South Administrative 28,750

East Region Environment


Canberra and South To establish Greenline, 600

East Region Environment the Centres recorded Centre information line

Heraldry and Genealogy Purchase computer & software 2,600

Society, Canberra Inc

Heraldry and Genealogy Purchase office equipment 5,025

Society, Canberra Inc and Colonial Secretarys


Kosciusko Huts Assn Namadgi Oral History Project 18,335

The Wildlife Foundation Operational Expenses 8,000

(ACT Inc)

Gorman House Community Gorman House Research Project 4,900

Arts Centre

Gorman House Community Gorman House Garden 3,350

Arts Centre Conservation Plan

Australian Railway Construction of railway 10,000

Historical Society (ACT) museum workshop Conservation Council of Administrative 30,000

the South-East Region


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