Page 1228 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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legislation to be to the AAT. The Government was not prepared to do that. I find it very interesting that they are now prepared to do so. Perhaps they have learnt something from the discussion that took place at that time. It is also interesting that the Act goes to the Supreme Court - Mr Connolly raised this issue earlier - but the appeals go to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Clause agreed to.

Clause 6 agreed to.

Clause 7

MR MOORE (5.54): I move:

Page 4, line 30, paragraph 11D(4)(a), omit "premium", substitute "betterment".

I spoke at length on this before. It actually draws my attention to the fact that, when the drafting of this Bill took place and the Minister responsible then went through it, he should have been aware that there had been a change from the word "premium", for some reason, to the word "betterment". Those reasons were explained and discussed when I moved my original amendment.

It is only a small thing; but, if you look at page 3, line 5, you will notice that the lines are incorrectly numbered. In fact, line 5 is the sixth line on the page. I draw attention to that now so that it can be corrected before the Bill is printed.

I presume that it is a matter of carelessness that we have the word "premium" here rather than the word "betterment". I have attempted to make the Bill consistent by moving this amendment, even though I lost the attempt to define "betterment" in the Bill. At least we should be consistent, unless the Government would like to bring the Bill back for reconsideration at the close of this debate and use the word "premium" everywhere we have used the word "betterment". I would find that perfectly acceptable, but let us at least be consistent.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (5.55): We used the word "premium" deliberately.

Amendment negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken as a whole, and agreed to.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

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