Page 1226 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Moore's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 1   NOES, 15

Mr Moore Mr Berry
 Mr Collaery
 Mr Connolly
 Mr Duby
 Ms Follett
 Mrs Grassby
 Mr Humphries
 Mr Jensen

 Mr Kaine
 Dr Kinloch
 Ms Maher
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MR CONNOLLY (5.49), by leave: I move:

Page 2 -

(1) Line 25, section (9), after "determine" insert "by instrument";

(2) Insert new subsection 9D as follows:

"(9D) An instrument under subsection (9) shall be published in the Gazette.".

The purpose of these amendments, as outlined in my earlier remarks, is to ensure that the public is aware of the level of betterment tax being paid in this community and to ensure that allegations cannot be made that deals are being done or preferential treatment will occur. While the Bill requires tax to be paid at a set rate, it would be beneficial, in our view - and I hope that view will be supported by the Government - to make sure that it is above board and that it is on the public record.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (5.50): Mr Deputy Speaker, the Government supports these amendments and I am not going to spend more than 10 minutes in supporting them. The Government clearly has no desire to obscure this legislation or the acts that take place pursuant to it. We have no difficulty with the amendments put forward by Mr Connolly and we support them.

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