Page 1201 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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I suggest that most people in Australia have no idea whatsoever which of their freedoms the Federal Labor Government is going to try to remove, simply because, as usual, there is next to no consultation.

Discussion interrupted.


MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! It being 4.30, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Humphries: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.


Discussion of Matter of Public Importance

Discussion resumed.

MR STEVENSON: Let us have a look at what is perhaps the major reason for the Labor Party's proposal. It is well known that direct mail campaigns are being used more in Australia. I must say that my research into the area has shown that the Labor Party is doing a far better job of it than any other group in Australia. I concede that. Indeed, there are many people in Australia, Canberra included, who, when they get a letter in their mail asking for their opinions on certain things, may have the misguided belief that that is an attempt by the Labor Party, or any other political party that is doing the same thing for the same reasons, to ascertain what their will is so that that will can be presented in parliament. Of course, we know that nothing could be further from the truth. Those letters are used to design direct mail letters to specific groups of replies prior to the election. When someone has said, "Look, the thing we are most concerned about, the thing we are absolutely disgusted about, is school closures", that no doubt would be No. 1 on the top of their letter.

As I said, I commend you totally for the brilliance of the campaign; but let us have a look at the right of the Labor Party to spend its money on expensive computer operations, programmers, and sending out mail at 43c a pop. Why should the Labor Party, with its finances, be able to do that when the rest of us cannot do that?

Ms Follett: Why not? Why can't you?

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