Page 1196 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Then again, on 20 March, a program went to air which included a number of other comments. In those comments the reporter said, in the introduction:

Independent MLA Michael Moore, who made the allegation, admits he made an apology to the assembly yesterday but says he sticks by the substance of his claims.

There is then a further reference by Mr McLoughlin to clandestine meetings with tenderers - plural. The Channel 9 report made the following further point:

Government feels the matter is so serious it has contacted the National Crime Authority -

again misleading the public on the substance of the issue which the rest of the media appropriately reported.

Mr Berry: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I raise a point of order. I will put it to you this way: It strikes me that, if there is to be a substantive attack against an individual out in the community, then it ought to be done by a motion of this Assembly - not by slagging them under the privilege of this Assembly.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! As far as this matter is concerned, it is my view that Mr Collaery has sought and been granted leave by this Assembly to make a statement on this matter, and that is exactly what he is doing. I will allow him to continue.

Mr Connolly: Ms Follett had leave to make her statement, did she not?

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, Mr Connolly! I rule accordingly. Mr Collaery, proceed.

MR COLLAERY: Thank you, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. Then Mr McLoughlin went on to say:

... while Mr Moore is publicly silent, privately he says it's not a backdown.

I will deal with Mr Moore at another time and another place. I am not referring to Mr Moore at this stage. I am referring to two broadcasts by Mr Patrick McLoughlin which every member of this house knows greatly damaged me and my standing in the community and which purveyed a view of the facts which was not reflected by the rest of the media and was certainly not reflected by the facts in this Assembly.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I put it to you that there has to be a standard of ethical conduct that is accepted by our community. Of course, we do accept that the public interest is best served by timely and balanced reporting of local news. And, of course, our democratic institutions thrive when the community is well served by a fair and

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