Page 1191 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Returning to Consumer Awareness Week: I had much pleasure in releasing two new publications to build on the highly successful year 12 handbook, Your Consumer Rights, which was released last year. I commend to the Assembly these two new publications, namely, ACT - Alert, a quarterly newsletter, and the Consumer Survival Kit, a handbook on consumer issues. I table these two publications:

ACT Alert, No. 1, March 1991, published by ACT Consumer Affairs Bureau;

Consumer Survival Kit prepared by ACT Consumer Affairs Bureau.

The Consumer Survival Kit is the first comprehensive guide to consumer rights. It will be an invaluable point of reference for counsellors, educators and individuals. ACT - Alert will discuss issues of specific interest to ACT consumers and traders. Reaction to these publications from both consumers and traders has been excellent and has prompted the bureau to increase the planned distribution list.

I also took great pleasure at this time in awarding the ACT's first fair trader of the month award to the manager of Target's Civic store. Target was named as the fair trader of the month for their excellent customer service and attention given to shoppers' rights. I would also like to commend the bureau for its continuing good work on promoting fair trading in the ACT. A sensitive consumer issue highlighted in ACT - Alert is debtor harassment. In times of economic recession in particular it becomes harder to meet credit repayments and, unfortunately, collection tactics are often very unethical. The Alliance Government is aware of the distress caused by debtor harassment and praises the efforts of organisations like CARE in providing debt counselling assistance.

I am pleased to be able to say that the Alliance Government is also acting decisively in this area of consumer protection. In relation to this issue I also table a discussion paper on the licensing and regulation of commercial and private inquiry agents in the Territory. The paper has been prepared as part of the Alliance Government's commitment to consumer protection and fair trading in the marketplace. I table the following paper:

Commercial and private inquiry agents - Licensing proposal.

Licensing of debt collectors and private inquiry agents will bring the ACT into line with the States and the Northern Territory. The ACT proposal, however, will be more streamlined and easier to administer than most, but still retaining maximum effectiveness and consumer protection. The planned Fair Trading Act currently under development will complement the proposed licensing arrangements. There will be a six-week consultation period during which the community - particularly industry

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