Page 1189 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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If the Opposition are going to take a point off us because the words "second priority" and "third priority" appear there as part of the timing of how our drafting process is going, then we will join the Victorian Government and, as far as I know, the Western Australian Government, and we will simply give you a bare list. You will not then be able to take those petty points. You will see that what will result will be that the public will be less informed.

Mr Wood: We want a serious list; that is what we want. Are we going to get all those this year?

Mr Humphries: Yes.

Mr Wood: I will hold you to that.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Wood interjects and says that they will hold us to it. This is a statement of our ambition, our commitment to the community. We hope to get there. It is our intention to get there.

Mr Wood: That is not what Mr Humphries said. He said that we will get them all.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Humphries has every right to have that ambition, as I do too.

Mr Wood: He has a different view to you.

Mr Connolly: That is because he has only six Bills on the list; you have 71.

MR COLLAERY: Yes, certainly. Mr Speaker, we saw an example today of why it is difficult to get the business of this house done. We saw the use of standing order 46 to delay matters until members of the press had left. It is a good, cool tactic to delay the procedures. It always works. The people opposite may - I doubt in the short term - be in government one day and they may live to regret that type of tactic straight after question time. The Government is committed to bringing forward this legislation. At the same time it is committed to all of the other processes of government. Governments should not be recognised merely by their legislation program.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to make a personal explanation under standing order 46.

MR SPEAKER: Do you claim to have been misrepresented?

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

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