Page 1174 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Mrs Grassby: You did not allow the Leader of the Opposition to.

MR SPEAKER: I certainly did, Mrs Grassby. Please wake up.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, Ms Follett sought leave, claiming that she had been misrepresented in a statement I made. Mr Speaker, the relevant exchange at page 24 of the proof copy of the Hansard of - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Now we are aware of what he is going to do. We believe that Mr Collaery should get the same treatment as Ms Follett did - or Ms Follett ought to be allowed to conclude her statement and then Mr Collaery can have his say.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, may I speak to that point of order?

MR SPEAKER: You may speak to the point of order.

Mr Collaery: My proposition is that it was not Ms Follett I was referring to but Mr Berry. Mr Berry's words on the relevant day were:

The people of Weston Creek would disagree because they have had their community assets pillaged by this Government ...

He used that language, and the words that Ms Follett objects to, and that she quoted, were my response to the suggestion that we had "pillaged" community assets. My words were:

There are two political groups in the ACT community who trade off ignorance ... the Abolish Self Government - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery! I really believe that this is taking standing order 46 to the extreme.

Mr Collaery: Thank you. I have made the point.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I seek leave to table a letter in respect of this matter.

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The member is seeking to reopen a vote that has already been held in the Assembly.

Mr Berry: No, no.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The situation, Mr Berry, is that you have asked for leave to be granted, and leave is not granted.

Mr Berry: The leave was sought from you, Mr Speaker, not from the Assembly, under standing order 46.

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