Page 1146 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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MR JENSEN: It was not, Mr Connolly. You know full well, if you read those drafting instructions and if you read those Bills that were tabled on 22 February in this house, that they related to the policies of the Alliance Government, not the Follett Government; although it is fair to say that some of the aspects that were included in those original papers in the general areas, as opposed to the major points of betterment and appeals, were, in fact, taken up because they were standard and people accepted them.

Let us just put that right straightaway. There is no doubt as far as I am concerned and in the minds of those who see that this Government is quite clearly prepared to provide a long period of consultation for this very important legislation. One of the reasons why we went into a second period of consultation was the extensive number of comments that were received on those first Bills - well in excess of 50. That is why it was decided to go into a second phase of consultation, and that is also why this consultation process finished on 28 February and the Bills are in the process of being put together, as Mr Connolly well knows.

Let me also, while I have the chance, make a comment in relation to the amendment proposed by Mr Connolly. The Government acknowledges the point made by Mr Connolly and is quite happy to accept the amendment that he proposes, because it is consistent with both the Government's policy on the open management of the leasehold system and also my own party's policy in relation to the open nature of the leasehold and planning system. So, we will do that.

Another comment that Mr Connolly made was in relation to putting the taxation rates in legislation as opposed to regulations. From my own point of view and from the point of view of the Rally, that is something that we will be seeking to do and, in fact, Mr Speaker, I am advised that we will be investigating the putting of this table that Mr Connolly refers to into the Act - into the 1 July package as part of the schedule. I think that is appropriate and I think, as you have already indicated, it complies with the general philosophy that this Government has adopted. As Mr Connolly says, it is a major point and it warrants clear and open debate in this Assembly.

As members will recall, the Bill that we are talking about here today amends section 11A of the City Area Leases Act to give effect to the Government's announcement on 22 February. This decision was based on the need to balance the sometimes conflicting requirements of ongoing development activity and adequate return to the community. It is considered that the new arrangements are certain, even-handed and effective. Furthermore, the amendments provide a measure of certainty to land users wishing to change their leases.

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