Page 1073 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 20 March 1991

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MR SPEAKER: One at a time, please, Mrs Grassby.

Mrs Grassby: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I have the right to go and ask the person who is running the house exactly who the speakers will be.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Grassby, please do not speak at this point.

Mr Jensen: Mrs Grassby made a smart comment while she was over here and I was just responding, so I would suggest that it is her fault for coming over here and upsetting the situation.

Mr Collaery: Can I contribute to this point of order?

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Grassby is next.

Mrs Grassby: This is my point of order now. Mr Speaker, I have the right in this house to go over and ask the person who is running this house - it is supposed to be Mrs Nolan, I gather - who are going to be the speakers on this, and not to have smart comments made at me. I asked whether Mr Jensen was going to speak; that is what I asked. He usually speaks on everything, so I just asked, "Is he speaking?".

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, he has withdrawn it; Mr Jensen has nobly withdrawn it. But I have never heard any withdrawal from Mrs Grassby of that time she called me "Mickey Mouse".


Mrs Grassby: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I have never called the Deputy Chief Minister "Mickey Mouse". I said that I knew what Mickey Mouse was getting for Christmas; he was getting a Bernard Collaery watch, and it was true.

MR SPEAKER: That is an accurate recollection, as I see it too, Mrs Grassby. I do not believe that the withdrawal of the comment by Mr Jensen has been made; nor do I direct him to do so.

Mr Jensen: I thought that I did withdraw it anyway.

MR SPEAKER: Did you? I think this is frivolous. Please proceed, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: Thank you, Mr Speaker. It is funny how, when the pressure goes on, Mr Berry resorts to the standing orders, of which he is the most flagrant flouter in this place. However, there is not much more to say, Mr Speaker. We have had from Mr Berry an impressionistic overview about problems in this area: He says that people are not happy; the Assembly is being hoodwinked; the people of the Territory are not getting value for money and they are

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