Page 1067 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 20 March 1991

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There is a very clear need for respite care to give these carers some relief; but I have to say, Mr Speaker, that the Government's performance on this issue has been poor, and the perception is that there has been a downgrading of respite care services. In fact, at times there have been empty beds when there has been a strong need for respite care, and it has not been provided. That is why I am calling on this Assembly to express its concern with the lack of full and coordinated services for children with disabilities. They also need access to special training and remedial programs outside general schooling.

Mr Collaery: Where have the respite care beds not been provided? He is not going to answer this.

MR BERRY: Mr Collaery interjected and said, "Where have the respite care beds not been provided?". He knows, if he is truthful, that there were open beds at one of the hostels in his portfolio area which were empty, and that held people out of respite care because of the refusal of the Government to provide those services. What happens then, of course, is that people are forced to bear the costs of travelling to services, but under this Government they have had less and less access to services.

Members interjected.

MR BERRY: The government members complain, by way of interjection. They will have the opportunity to get on their feet in a minute and tell us what they have done. Are they not getting twitchy? They are going to have the right to speak like everybody else in this Assembly, but they cannot hold themselves back from interjections. Why do they not wait until they get the opportunity to speak, like everybody else has to?

The big problem for people in the Territory is the following question: Where do they go for help?

Mr Jensen: Because you keep misleading the people, that is why.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: Mr Jensen interjected that Mr Berry keeps misleading the people. I ask for that to be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: I think that that could be withdrawn, Mr Jensen.

Mr Jensen: "Misleading the public", Mr Speaker?

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