Page 1061 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 20 March 1991

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for this legislation for years. The Government opposite have attempted, I guess, to put forward the notion that they are doing something about this issue, but the results do not bear that out. We have seen a Minister for Health, who is supposed to be concerned about the health of the people of the Territory, move towards lesser services for those people. Now we see the Minister unable to give a commitment - - -

Mr Humphries: You did not ask for one.

MR BERRY: He is unable to give a commitment on the delivery of proper legislation to protect the food supplies for the Territory. The Minister interjects that I did not ask for one. Well, I am asking for one. Give us the commitment.

Mr Humphries: You have got one.

MR BERRY: When will it happen? This year? Next year?

Mr Humphries: This year.

MR BERRY: The second half? December?

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry!

Mr Humphries: We will see how the drafting goes.

MR BERRY: "See how the drafting goes", the Minister says. I suggest, Mr Speaker, that it will be a little bit like the planning legislation - month after month after month after month of dreary promises; dreary promises and no results.

Mr Jensen: Like Rosemary's promises.

MR BERRY: The Executive Deputy responsible for planning twitches. No wonder, because his credibility is shot to pieces, along with that of the Government. It is all based on lack of performance. The members opposite are unable to produce legislative business for this house - witness the daily program. It contains nothing of substance and, of course, the Government twitches about that. I can understand that because nothing would make a government twitch more than being shown up for poor performance. The Government stings; but what is most annoying is that all that they can do is whinge about the Labor Party in Opposition making progressive moves to provide better services for the people of the Australian Capital Territory, services which the Government opposite has not been able to provide. Day after day their services are in decline. It has been demonstrated. It has been demonstrated by the Minister himself. He has admitted that the services in his portfolio area are in decline.

Mr Humphries: I have not. Nothing of the sort.

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