Page 1037 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 1991

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1989. In fact, that particular Bill was withdrawn and the subsequent Bill, the Police Offences (No. 2) Bill 1989, was passed on 4 August 1989. I make that note.

The Government has now indicated its response to the Standing Committee on Social Policy report. I will deal with a number of points. The first point raised in the Government's response relates to what has been perceived as a problem in certain areas, and that is skateboard riding. Of course, skateboard riding can be annoying and even hazardous in public places; but the Government, and I think all members of this Assembly, would also see responsible skateboard riding as an activity that is to be encouraged. It is something that is not a new phenomenon. There was a craze about 20 years ago. Skateboard riding certainly has been around now for a number of years. In fact there are some very excellent competitors.

Areas for expanding skateboard riding need to be identified because irresponsible skateboard riding has caused a number of concerns around our major cities. I wonder whether the level of talking can be kept down a little bit.

MR SPEAKER: Yes. I must admit, Mr Wood, that we did miss your voluminous voice while you were away. Could you please keep the volume down.

MR STEFANIAK: I know that there are certain areas where a lot of people have expressed concerns about unruly skateboard riders. I am pleased to see the Government indicate that some of the recommendations of this committee are going to be taken into account. The recommendation that the legislation be amended to ban the riding of bicycles and, indeed, skateboards within 20 metres of an open shopfront has a lot of merit. At the same time, this is a real sport, and facilities have been provided throughout Canberra by this Government and more are proposed. I recall my colleague Mr Duby opening one in Belconnen recently. Further facilities are planned. Indeed, as a result of that facility in Belconnen, there seem to be a lot less complaints about unruly skateboard riders.

There are a number of other activities in Canberra which have caused some concern to various people. They are a major activity such as the Summernats and also the Food and Wine Frolic. That will also lead me into a discussion on alcohol. In relation to the 1990 Street Car Nationals, I think that is almost a copybook way of how to go about preparing for a large public event. The 1989 Summernats were not as well run as the 1990 Summernats. There were a number of problems. Lessons were learnt. As that was one of Canberra's largest annual public events, the Government adopted a different approach.

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