Page 1035 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry still has the floor, if he would like to get to his point.

MR BERRY: Thank you.

Mr Kaine: He had better stick to the point, or he will not have the floor.

MR BERRY: The point I am making, Mr Speaker, is that the - - -

Mr Kaine: Don't wave your finger at me.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I was waving my finger at him, not at you, because he was interjecting.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Come on, let us get on with it.

Mr Kaine: Have you been on the sauce tonight? Is that what your problem is?

Mr Connolly: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: The Chief Minister said, "Have you been on the sauce tonight?". That is an issue that you have ruled on in the past.

Mr Kaine: Which is exactly the comment he made about me last week, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I realise that. I think that at that time he did withdraw, Chief Minister.

Mr Kaine: Well, I withdraw accordingly, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Please proceed, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I have to say, Mr Speaker, that the sauce I was on was of the tomato variety, not the one the Chief Minister was on.

I present this other fact, which Mr Humphries claims has never been presented, and that is in relation to ambulance services. It has been presented in this place time and time again.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: In no way could Mr Berry claim that he has been misrepresented on ambulance services because they have not even been mentioned.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, thank you for that observation. Mr Berry, have you concluded at this stage?

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