Page 1027 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 1991

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Unemployment in the ACT remains lower than the national average, due to the stability of the public sector in the ACT, however limited growth in employment is anticipated due to the slowdown in private sector economic activity.

I would like to emphasise that, whilst our unemployment remains lower than the national average, we still have a critical problem with youth unemployment that must be attacked. We need to ensure that the next budget contains appropriate strategies to ensure that that matter is being tackled in the best possible way.

According to the Chief Minister and the forecast in the recurrent budget overview, the existing policies are "soundly based". My reading of the budget and the extended budget, covering up to the 1993-94 period, indicates that in fact the ACT does have the potential to continue under a sound budget. One question that comes out of that overview statement refers to the Community Development Fund. If there was ever any doubt about the community services being done in the eye by the Alliance Government with reference to the Community Development Fund, it should be dispelled by what is stated on page 4:

... the full year effect of the abolition of the Community Development Fund (CDF) resulting in increased gaming machine taxation collections and the distribution of the grant programs via the general budget -

is a significant impact on the forward estimates, as part of its improvement.

Mr Collaery: Where does it say that?

MR MOORE: Mr Collaery, I refer you to page 4; I was quite specific. It says:

The other significant factors impacting on the forward estimates are:

... ... ...

the full year effect of the abolition of the Community Development Fund -

if you read it that way. I think that is a significant factor. Another point I would like to raise concerns the following quotation:

Capital receipts are forecast to decline over the next few years ... primarily due to the changed arrangements for land rents whereby it is expected that most businesses will commute these payments by the end of 1992. Thereafter, rents are expected to be minimal.

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