Page 1008 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 1991

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to this current issue I think I have received about two letters on it. When one compares that with other problems in Weston Creek, including some problems they are suffering now in Brierly Street as a result of some late night drinking binges and some problems a few shopkeepers have had with broken windows, I just have not received anything in relation to the question of the health centre.

I have listened with interest to the speeches. I listened with interest to what the responsible Minister for Health has said, too. He indicated that there are some facilities which have been transferred; there are others which are being transferred in. He has indicated, and he has put it most strongly, that the people at Weston Creek are not being disadvantaged.

I noted with interest some comments made, I think, by Mr Berry who indicated that people will have to go to Woden now for certain facilities they would otherwise get at the Weston Creek Health Centre. Certainly other facilities are coming into Weston Creek. But let us just look at that. Unless one lives very close to the Weston Creek Health Centre one is going to have to travel there. Let us assume that the people concerned do not have a car. They are going to have to get there with the help of friends or by bus. If you live close to the health centre, the only people that may affect - and I concede this - may well be the elderly. Mr Humphries was at pains to indicate how they will not be disadvantaged.

I can see that there may be some problem and I am certainly going to take some steps myself. If need be, I will go out there and talk to elderly people to see how the new arrangements are working. The fact of the matter, Mr Berry, is that no-one has really complained to me about any problems there so far. I think that is demonstrated by the conversation Mr Humphries had with the editor of the Valley View, who indicated that a large proportion of people surveyed in Weston Creek did not know that there was a problem. Maybe, Mr Berry, there is not a problem here.

Mr Berry: You cannot deliver; that is why they will not come to you.

MR STEFANIAK: Maybe it is just part of your fertile imagination. You are dreaming it up and you are probably - - -

Mrs Grassby: You should have come to the public meeting then, Bill, if there is no problem. There were a lot of people there.

MR STEFANIAK: I would have loved to, Mrs Grassby, but you did not invite me. I noted in the paper that there were selected speakers. They were selected very carefully by the ALP branch.

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