Page 1005 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 1991

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It is only a matter of time before we provide the fuller facility at the Weston Creek Community Centre.

Mr Wood: A fuller facility. That says it.

MR COLLAERY: There is a program, a prudent program, to provide full community centre facilities in the Territory. Mr Wood cast some doubts on that. This Government is committed to the community service elements that exist at Weston Creek. I have already indicated to the community service that if, in the process of unravelling the higher infrastructure costs of this town, stresses are created and dislocations occur within an immediate sector, within a hundred or so metres of other installations, then I regret it; but the fact is that as time goes by those excellent functions at the Weston Creek Community Centre will be drawn together and become even stronger and more powerful. We all hope for that. I am sure all members share that wish.

There were some other comments made that my colleague Mr Humphries has asked me to put down. There had to be an appeal to the babies. The Leader of the Opposition said that we had done away with the infant health clinics. She did not mention in her speech that it is now operating at Minns Place in Weston, with increased hours of service at neighbouring clinics in Rivett, Waramanga and Duffy. The immunisation service for infants has been transferred to the Phillip Health Centre.

Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I do not think I need to respond at any further length. There is no strength to this matter of public importance. It is important that we provide community services and that we provide centres for them to be conducted from. We have done that and we will continue to do it.

MR WOOD (4.13): Towards the end of his speech Mr Collaery effectively conceded the arguments we have made when he talked about the disruption that was being caused. His tirade ahead of that is seen to be no more than his usual diversionary tactic of attacking the ALP. Those last few minutes of his speech were the most significant. Perhaps it is again part of the Residents Rally tactic of separating itself from the Liberal Party. It may be that he will go back to the people of Weston Creek in some months' time, during an election campaign, and say, "Well, it was the Liberals who did that; we did not really like it".

I am impressed, if that is the right word, by the fact that Mr Stefaniak has not spoken in this debate. I find it unusual that a member who lives in the area will not stand up and engage in this important discussion.

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