Page 948 - Week 03 - Thursday, 14 March 1991

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MR STEFANIAK (3.32): I am somewhat unsure of what Mr Connolly is getting at. This is a six months review; there is going to be another six months review. The ACT Government has on contract a section of the Australian Federal Police for the policing of the Territory. That police force basically comprises people who are long-term residents of the Territory. Because they are part of the AFP, some of them might take postings out of the Territory to advance their careers, but most of them choose to live in Canberra because it is a pleasant place.

We have a very effective community police force. We have had one, indeed, since the Territory's inception. Certainly in my time in the Territory - and I have lived all my life here apart from about three years - the ACT police force has always had an excellent reputation. It became the AFP after 1979 and continued to have an excellent reputation.

This Government has initiated a number of things in relation to policing. This is the first of the six-monthly reports since we took over the police. Mr Collaery has indicated that the agreement was signed last year. We now have this first six-monthly report; there will be another one. The Attorney has spoken of the steering committee, comprising, among others, Treasury officials, to look into the question of policing in the Territory. He has today announced his community committee. I had the pleasure of meeting those people. I had met some of them before my meeting with the rest of them at lunchtime today, and I think that will be a very effective committee.

The police themselves conduct regular surveys, and I think I can recall one being conducted with its results due to be brought down in about August or September of next year. I fail to see the need at this point in time for another Assembly committee to look into the question of policing in the ACT. Mr Connolly is quite right in saying that probably the three most important things in the government of this Territory are the health of the community, education and certainly policing and courts. They are very important aspects of government. Policing is a terribly important aspect of government and I think this Government is doing a very good job in relation to policing the Territory.

Really, it is a question not for another Assembly committee but for this Government to do its job properly regarding the adequate policing of the Territory. And that also involves how much has to be spent on the police force. If people are not satisfied with that, they can exercise their rights at the next election at the ballot box. I really fail to see what real assistance at this stage another Assembly committee could give to the question of policing.

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