Page 946 - Week 03 - Thursday, 14 March 1991

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committee will comprise the following persons: Ms Brigitte Ballard, who is, of course, a member of VOCAL; Mr Jeff Brown, who is a member of the Australian Federal Police Assocation; Mr Jim Coates; Ms Anne Darbyshire; Mrs Sue Doobov, who is known to us all from the ACT Council on the Ageing; Mr Joe Giugni, Fyshwick Retail Markets; Mr Michael Kinniburgh; Mr Philip Morrall, who is the 2IC of the overall Neighbourhood Watch system in the Territory; Ms Kim Sattler, who is represented for the time being by Ms Vanessa Sargeant, from the ACT Youth Affairs Network; Mr John Simpson; and Mr Adam Stankevicius. Members will recall that the lattermost is also a member of the Ministerial Youth Advisory Council.

The committee's terms of reference are: Firstly, to gauge the views of the community on the provision of police services in the ACT; secondly, to consider the appropriateness of the goals, objectives and priorities for community policing in the ACT in the light of those community views; and, thirdly, to report to the Government by 17 May 1991. In addition, the AFP, through its consultants Frank Small and Associates, is conducting a long-term survey of community attitudes to policing in the ACT. Two reports have been received to date. These generally indicate that the AFP's community policing objectives are being achieved, although, as would be expected, a number of weaknesses have been identified. These are being addressed to further refine the existing strategies.

As I have said on numerous occasions, the AFP has the total support of the Government in policing the ACT. The review process and the mechanisims for community consultation are aimed at ensuring that the needs and requirements of the community are recognised and taken into consideration. Police services must suit the community. This is particularly important when we consider that the AFP has a dual role; namely, to provide a national law enforcement response on the one hand and community policing in the ACT on the other. The ACT does not have overall responsibility for policing. We must, therefore, ensure that the Commonwealth, through the AFP, is aware of our requirements and orders its priorities accordingly. I present the following papers:

Police services in the ACT - Provision - ACT-Commonwealth arrangement - Review, dated December 1990.

Policing - Review - Ministerial statement, 14 March 1991.

I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the papers.

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