Page 944 - Week 03 - Thursday, 14 March 1991

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In November 1989, the Interim Territory Planning Authority released for public comment a draft variation policy proposing that the oval be used for residential purposes and that the ACT Rugby Leagues Club, at the southern end of the site, be retained and be allowed some expansion. At that time it was believed that the oval was surplus to the requirements of the ACT Rugby League and other sporting codes. As a result of publishing the draft variation to policy the ITPA received 35 responses. Many respondents, including the National Trust and ACT Heritage Committee, pointed out the heritage value of the oval. Others, including sporting bodies and clubs, argued that the oval was required for sporting activities and that, if the ACT Rugby League did not wish to use it, it should have been made available for other codes.

An assessment by the ACT Parks and Conservation Bureau late in 1990 identified the need to retain Northbourne Oval as a sporting venue. If it was to be redeveloped the bureau advised that another enclosed oval would be required and the cost of a replacement oval was estimated at $2.7m. The ITPA has consequently reviewed its draft variation to policy in the light of the submissions it received and also on the advice of the ACT Parks and Conservation Bureau. The Government is pleased to approve the plan variation which provides for Northbourne Oval being retained for restricted access open space or public open space. The ACT Rugby Leagues Club would also be able to expand, provided adequate on-site parking can be provided and landscaping requirements met.

My Government is supportive of moves to increase opportunities for small scale residential redevelopment, particularly in the inner Canberra suburbs. I believe, however, that this can and must be achieved in character with our unique environment. It is in this context that the Government has decided to retain Northbourne Oval for recreational use, and the house is assured that this sensitivity to our history and environment will be a continuing feature of this administration. I am sure there are many Canberra residents, some of whom learnt their football skills on Northbourne Oval, who will welcome this decision. I present the following paper:

Northbourne Oval - Ministerial statement, 14 March 1991.

I move:

That the Assembly takes note of the paper.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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