Page 926 - Week 03 - Thursday, 14 March 1991

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Mr Connolly: Then why did you say two weeks?

MR KAINE: I presume that this is the second question, so I will answer Mr Connolly as well, since he wants to know. There are two things going on here. One is that we are consolidating the legislation into a single Act. The other is that we are incorporating the comments that came in as a result of the second round of consultation. The document will be made available to you when all of that process is completed and according to the Government's timetable, not your timetable.

Mr Connolly: Then, why did you say two weeks? You said it. It was your timetable; you said it.

MR KAINE: Not to your timetable, Mr Connolly. I repeat: It will be done according to the Government's timetable, and when the Government is ready to present its legislation the Government will do so. You are not driving the process; the Government is. You are just going to have to be patient a little longer. In fact, the consolidated legislation is available. It is not available for you or for anybody else until the Government is finished with it and has incorporated into it the comments from the second round of consultations.

Mr Connolly: What about the two weeks? You said, "I promise two weeks", and you could not deliver.

MR KAINE: I did not say that I was going to give it to you. I will give it to you when I am ready to give it to you and not a day, not an hour, not a minute before.

Mr Berry: You misled the house, I think.

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I think Mr Berry should withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, I ask you to withdraw.

Mr Berry: I said, "I think".

MR SPEAKER: It was heard; it was recorded.

Mr Berry: I am allowed to form a view.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, please withdraw.

Mr Berry: I withdraw.

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