Page 900 - Week 03 - Thursday, 14 March 1991

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Some issues have been raised with me about the Weapons Bill. They include a greater increase in the use of police powers than we would normally expect, but I accept in this case that the Attorney-General has presented a Bill where such police powers are necessary. Dealing with weapons is very different from dealing with other situations in our society. We are all aware that people who use weapons appropriately do not cause a problem, but weapons can so easily be used inappropriately.

The reality is that weapons are designed quite specifically for a single purpose, and that purpose has to do with killing. Some people make comparisons with motor vehicles and say that they can be used dangerously, but that is not their specific purpose. So, it is quite appropriate to increase police powers when we are dealing with the specific purpose in this situation.

The other issue that has been raised with me has to do with a series of matters I raised the other day concerning what people can and cannot do. The process of review is written into the Bill, and I think it is a quite appropriate process of review. From my perspective, that is a perfectly acceptable way to go about it.

The final issue I wish to raise is that a number of people feel that this version of the Weapons Bill has been tabled for a relatively short time and that they ought to have more time to deal with their concerns so that those concerns can be eased. I understand that on those grounds Mr Stevenson will attempt to adjourn the Bill, and I will support an adjournment for a relatively short time.

(Quorum formed)


Mr Stevenson: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, I have the floor.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, the normal process is for speakers to come from one side of the house and then the other. That is why I am calling Mr Stefaniak.

Mr Stevenson: I know, but I was not going to speak on the Bill.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Do you have a point of order?

Mr Stevenson: No, I wish to move an adjournment. I have the floor at this stage.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, as I indicated, I propose to call Mr Stefaniak, in accordance with the normal practice of calling speakers from one side of the house and then the other.

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