Page 876 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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Mr Collaery has a $1.9m blow-out in his budget. What reaction do we get from Mr Kaine? "Oh, well, I suppose we will look after it." Is he prepared to fire Mr Collaery? What have we got, Mr Speaker? What we have is the most motley lot we have ever seen, a totally motley lot in government. What did they promise? What did they originally promise? I have here the first page of the accord for government. This accord, Mr Speaker, has on the very first page the signatures of Kaine, Collaery and Duby.

Mr Collaery: Notice the writing.

MR MOORE: I am glad you drew that to our attention for comparison; but never mind. What do we see on this first page? It states that the signatories will:

(a) establish a stable government for the duration of the term of the first ACT Legislative Assembly; ...

Above that it states:

This alliance will continue until the date of the next ACT election.

With all the conjecture we have heard, what are the chances of broken promises? Item (b) of the accord states:

provide positive financial management for the ACT.

Well, that is becoming a great joke, with all these blow-outs. Item (e) states:

ensure maximum performance of the Assembly in the public interest and thereby enhance its role as the locally elected legislative body.

That is the greatest joke of all. What a joke. So much for the accord. So much for promises. All we have here is just another one of the broken promises. That is what we have in this situation, Mr Speaker - another one of the broken promises.

Trevor Kaine, on the casino issue, has pinned so much on the notion that these Ministers are remaining at arm's length; that the Executive is remaining at arm's length in the casino process. Clearly that has not been the case. One of the results when you put together a motley crew and their credibility drops to zero is that, so, too, Chief Minister, will your credibility drop to zero with it. You have only one choice - - -

Mr Kaine: Put up or shut up.

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