Page 874 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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MR MOORE: This is pathetic. However, Mr Speaker, I now go back to addressing the question as it was answered by the Chief Minister yesterday. The question I asked was: What would you do if you knew one of your Ministers had broken that commitment of the Alliance Government, in the same way that the Rally had broken its commitments to hospitals, to planning, to schools? What would you do? Of course, I got no answer.

Mr Kaine: It was a hypothetical question because it is a scurrilous suggestion.

MR MOORE: The reason I got no answer is that you would do absolutely nothing. You would do absolutely nothing, just as you did for Mr Duby. I refer back to the Hansard of 29 May 1990 and a censure motion put by Mr Berry. I will now read that censure motion. It states:

That, noting for the second time within two years the Minister for Finance and Urban Services, Mr Duby, has been convicted under the Motor Traffic (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977, and noting that Mrs Robyn Nolan took the honourable path and stood down from the position of Mr Duby's Executive Deputy following a conviction under the Commonwealth Taxation Administration Act, this Assembly censures the Minister for Finance and Urban Services, Mr Duby, for failing to resign as Minister.

That followed an editorial in the Canberra Times on 26 May headed "Why Kaine should dismiss Duby", which stated:

The Chief Minister, Trevor Kaine, refused again this week to sack his Minister for Urban Services, Craig Duby, who has been convicted of two drinking driving offences in the last two years.

... ... ...

Any man who accepts the job of Minister for Transport while facing a drink-driving charge and knowing the facts surrounding that charge as Mr Duby did is a hypocrite. Mr Duby is a hypocrite. His hypocrisy in this matter far surpasses his hypocrisy in standing as a No Self Government Party candidate and then taking on a ministry as a crucial number in the Alliance Government.

Later on the editorial stated:

Mr Duby's position would not be tolerated in any other parliament in Australia.

It should not be tolerated here.

Mr Kaine: And nor will you. Nor would you. You are a disgrace.

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