Page 867 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, you have ruled, already, twice on this matter. Mr Moore is again, for the third time, arguing with your ruling. I would suggest that Mr Moore should be made to take the floor and provide the information required in the motion moved by Mr Collaery, or not speak at all.

MR SPEAKER: I gauge from the feeling in the house, Mr Moore, that the leave was granted for a particular purpose and if - - -

Mr Berry: I take a point of order. Before you gauge that - - -

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, do you mind?

Mr Berry: You cannot gauge that feeling from anything I have said. He was given leave to respond.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, do not speak over me. Thank you. The situation, Mr Moore, is that the general feeling of the house is that you were given leave for a specific purpose. My feeling is that if you do not approach it in the manner that was requested the leave will be withdrawn.

Mr Moore: Then withdraw the leave.

MR SPEAKER: Therefore I would ask you to approach the question in the manner in which it was asked.

MR MOORE: I am quite happy to come up with the evidence, but I will do it my way.

During his long speech on that particular topic - and I in no way intend to repeat the length of time Mr Collaery wasted in his speech at that time - Mr Collaery made allegations about Mr Whalan, and made a number of allegations about Mr Tony Hedley. Those allegations, he then attempted to substantiate in that debate.

Mr Humphries: I raise a point of order.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, please resume your seat.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, Mr Moore is defying your ruling - a ruling given three times now. I think it is appropriate to consider naming Mr Moore.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for that observation, Mr Humphries. Your objection is upheld. Mr Moore, the situation is getting out of hand. I would ask you to answer the questions, as posed to you, in the manner for which leave was granted.

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